At Quinta da Pedra, the soil is the foundation of exceptional winemaking.

The unique terroir of Quinta da Pedra, located in the Monção Melgaço region, plays a crucial role in nurturing the vines. Gentle slopes provide excellent drainage and optimal exposure to sunlight, essential for vine growth. The pure granite soils and underlying mother rock impart a distinctive mineral quality to the wine, resulting in a long, refreshing aftertaste reminiscent of spring water. This special soil composition allows Quinta da Pedra wines to truly express the essence of their origin.

High-density planting, characterized by narrower rows and densely planted vines, is integral to producing superior quality grapes and, ultimately, higher quality wines. This planting method offers three main benefits. First, vine competition promotes faster root penetration, allowing longer roots to access water and nutrients, resulting in healthier and more consistent berries. These deeper roots also reach the mother rock, adding layers of flavors and minerality to the wine. Second, higher canopies enhance photosynthesis, leading to better grape maturity. Third, better water retention is achieved as higher canopies shade the vineyard fruit and floors, decreasing surface temperature and reducing evaporation, which contributes to more balanced berries.

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